Tech Trek
AAUW California Tech Trek Science and Math Camp for Girls strives to develop interest and excitement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields and self-confidence in seventh-grade young women by providing the experience of living one week on a college campus and participating in hands-on activities in math, science, and related fields. The California Tech Trek camps are run by dedicated AAUW volunteers and held on university campuses.
Tech Trek Alumnae Group
Tech Trek Alumnae Group (TTAG) are young ladies who join this group after they have completed their week at STEM Camp and are in 8-12th grade. These girls participate in numerous activities related to STEM fields throughout the year, such as robotics labs, forensic labs, and aeronautics.  A key feature of our Tech Trek Alumnae events is the interaction among students, parents, and AAUW TTAG members. When the girls return from a Tech Trek camp, they share their experiences, and continued support is provided through high school with various STEM-related activities. It keeps the girls focused on STEM activities and prepares them for college.

The mission of AAUW's National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) is to foster a moment that ignites a powerful movement. Year after year, our conference brings together hundreds of college women from across the nation for an immersive multi-day experience of leadership training, inspiration, and networking. We strive to cultivate an inclusive and equitable space where attendees can enter as passionate leaders and depart with the skills, confidence, and perspective necessary to pursue their goals and drive meaningful change.
Gov Trek
This virtual program for high school junior and senior girls is designed to prepare the next generation for careers in public service and elected office. The goal is to address the shortage of women in political leadership by galvanizing a new generation to pursue careers in public service. Over seven two-hour sessions, students engage in interactive and inspiring activities with exposure to women legislators, career options, and the inner workings of a political campaign. Gov Trek is open to any girl currently enrolled as a California high school junior or senior, whether in public, private, home, or continuation high schools.

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